Ned Pepper's Outrages

Sunday, February 6, 2011

An Update from Q A Wagstaff, OBE, FRS!

Ned's followers are aware that he is favored from time to time with updates on the British political scene with commentaries by his esteemed colleague Prof Dr Q A Wagstaff, FRS, OBE. The prof has favored Ned with the following, from Wagstaff's Undisclosed Location somewhere in the fens and moorlands of the Great Frozen North (of England that is):

"You were asking about the LibCon-ConLib coalition. There is quite a lot of writhing and spluttering going on after Cameron delighted the far-right (as well as Angela Merkle and the oh-so-wee-but-apparently-sexy Nicolas Sarkozy) with his headlining attack on multiculturalism yesterday. It coincided with yesterday's anti-Asian demo in Luton, the largest ever. Thankfully, for Cameron and his cronies, it pales before events in Egypt. The Libs have wrecked themselves in their delusions of adequacy. There are major local elections plus devolved Scottish and Welsh parliamentary elections in early May when the LibDems' hubris will be rewarded handsomely. We here especially regret the painful dithering of Obama. A good slogan for the demonstrators in Tahrir Square might be, 'Obama, you are an African" (grist for the mill of knuckledraggers here, sad to say--ed.) "so pull your thumb out of your ass'. Anyhow, the western so-called democracies are terrified by actual demands for democracy in the Middle East and the overthrow of its tyrants (Syria and Iran next?).

"In fact they are terrified because every opposition organisation in Egypt is dominated by, guess who... Muslims. Not just the Muslim Brotherhood, but every shade from Trotskyist to Tory. Now there's a thing: Public opinion in the Middle East is flavoured by the writings of a 7th century prophet - at least a bit more up to date than the inspiration for most US public opinion. It isn't just Mubarak who has been sand-bagged by the millions on the street in Cairo and Alexandria, yet neither have they been burning the Stars and Stripes nor hanging effigies of Uncle Sam. Nope, they actually trust Obama, which may be their big mistake."
Yours &tc,

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