Ned Pepper's Outrages

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pat Toomey, Crackpot

Ned has finally had time to devote himself to one of the nation's more important senatorial races, that in PA. It is between Admiral (ret.) Joe Sestak (D) and Pat Toomey (R), whom Ned believes to be a "fellow" or some such nonsense, with an anti-tax organization calling itself the "Club For Growth." Now, Ned agrees with most of Sestak's positions except his waffling on amnesty for illegal immigrants, but you can't have everything.
When it comes to Toomey, however, Ned sees a rabid wolf in sheep's clothing. Toomey's entire platform is based on "less" government spending, and "lower" taxes. He favors eliminating "unnecessary" government and environmental regulations. He wants to get rid of the capital gains tax and the inheritance tax, which benefits mainly plutocrats, he wants to lower the top rate of income tax, which, surprise! benefits plutocrats, and favors lowering or eliminating the corporate income tax, claiming that it is "higher than [most anywhere else] in the industrialized world." That would be true of course if it weren't for all the exemptions that corporations can take. If you factor in the exemptions, corporations pay very low taxes, and we all know of companies that pay NO TAXES AT ALL.
Toomey is also for eliminating Medicare and replacing it with, "Personal Medical Savings Accounts." This sounds fine, until you get cancer, which can cost $100k, because of the obscene profits of the drug companies, but we digress.
Basically, he is for eliminating any taxes on the rich, and forcing the average person to go hat-in-hand to Massa's back door and beg for crumbs. In this, he is very much like the extremists who hated Roosevelt because he had the temerity to free old folks from the need to seek charity in their old age by forcing through Social Security over the hysterical objections of Republicans.
Ned warns his many followers against being taken in by such lickspittles to the plutocrats.

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