Ned Pepper's Outrages

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Know-Nothings

Ned recommends his friends read Tim Egan's blog on the spread of the know-nothings in this country, at
Apparently, sizable percentages (over 30) "believe" that Obama is a Muslim, not a Christian, and that Obama was responsible for the Bush TARP program, which the Tea Partiers love to hate. One thing Ned particularly likes: Egan points out that any "reformed" drug-addict, adulterer, fraud perpetrator or all-around slimeball can just say that they "found Jesus" and they will be welcomed by the nutcases, but let Obama repeatedly say he is a Christian and they say they don't believe him. Just look at the charade with David Vitter in Louisiana for confirmation of the fact that most opposition to Obama is racially motivated and is being reportedly stoked by the donations from multibillionaire right-wing crazies like the Koch brothers and their ilk.
Ned reckons he couldn'ta said it better hisself.

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