Ned Pepper's Outrages

Monday, July 4, 2011

A July 4th Dedication: the Anti-Tax crowd

Ned would like to dedicate this July 4th to the anti-tax crowd, those brave seekers after truth that never saw a tax they didn't hate, nor a rich person whose ass they were not desperate to kiss. He understand them well, how they come across as defenders of the "freedom" and "liberty" of the Little American, but in reality he knows them for what they are, sniveling, bed-wetting toadies and rent-boys to the rich and powerful. If they had their way, every American not born into wealth would have to make the trek to the back door of their assigned Sneering Plutocrat's gated mansion and beg for crumbs from the dog's bowl, which would be thrown to them with a characteristic sneer, not of course by the Sneering Plutocrat, but by his overseer, a sort of Jewish policeman in the Warsaw Ghetto type who has turned his back on his own kind to taste somewhat better crumbs than his fellows.
Today's NYT has a fine article by Paul Krugman, describing the proposals of the anti-tax crowd to abolish the inheritance tax, and to allow corporations to bring their ill-gotten gains back to this country without paying tax, the excuse being, they would "create jobs" with it. Along with Krugman, Ned understands this to be a callow lie, since the last time this was done, during the criminal regime of George Bush, the Plutocrats simply paid themselves dividends with the money, or enhanced their stock holdings with buy-backs.
The argument often used by the anti-tax bed-wetters is that "self made men and women" built this country and are the key to this economy, and we need to nurture them, as Ayn Rand demanded in Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. But look closely at all of those "self made men." Let's take two: Donald Trump's daddy gave him millions to start in business as Ned understands it, and their latest darling Mark Zuckerberg, "creator" of that curse upon anyone with an IQ above room temperature, Facebook, was born to wealthy parents, a dentist and a psychiatrist, both obscenely overpaid professions, and Zuckerberg's father even hired a software developer tutor for his son! Ned is not making this up.
Ned would like to ask his friends to consider how Zuckerberg wold have prospered if his daddy and mummy hadn't been rich and sent him to Harvard. And how Donald Trump would have prospered if his daddy hadn't given him millions.
Ned would like to invite all those cringing, anti-tax bed-wetters to scratch the surface of any of the Plutocrats' asses while they are kissing them and note the favoritism, cronyism and inherited wealth that underpins the vast majority of them. And he would like them to recall why this country was founded in the first place, as a refuge from the Sneering Aristocracy and Slithering Priesthood of old Europe, and then to favor all of the rest of us and slink back into the hole from which they crawled.
UPDATRE: The NYT reports that last year, the average CEO's raise was 23%.

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