Ned Pepper's Outrages

Monday, April 11, 2011

Whining Geezers, Take 322

In the latest chapter of Ned's Running Saga of the Whining Geezers, his local rag ran a letter to the editor from one such worthy, beginning with the obligatory 'I am a senior living on a fixed income', and then going on to decry free bus rides, and what he referred to as 'water subsidies' among other things that benefit the public at large. Ned's friends know his contempt for such persons unless they modify their self-description to 'a senior on a GUARANTEED income.' Many of Ned's friends would dearly love to have any income at all, and would be only too delighted for a 'fixed' one. So Ned advises these self-absorbed whining geezers to stay in their property-tax subsidized home, go to their property-tax subsidized cult, er, church, and not trouble others with their self-obsessed whining.

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