Ned Pepper's Outrages

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ned's take on the "shutdown crisis'

Some of Ned's friends, mindful of the enormous respect his views carry with the cognoscenti and illuminati, have asked him to comment on the continuing 'budget' and 'shutdown' crises. First, Ned recalls all too well the earlier government shutdown, fomented by that self-styled intellectual but in truth, pinhead Newt Gingrich. It all ended in tears for the Republican knuckledraggers, but, like the groupers that will try to eat porcupine fish over and over again, they are slow learners. Ned has nothing but disdain for the Republicans in the House, as they are well in over their heads. His views towards them, as well as towards the room-temperature IQ voters who sent them to Washington, are simply and succintly expressed. But, as in most cases, his feelings have been summarized in another, earlier format; to wit, Henry V.
Henry's emissary approaches the French court with a message from the king, and he is admitted. This he tells the Dauphin, after that worthy says, 'What message to the Dauphin? I stand here for him." Ned's friends will recall that the Dauphin has been rash enough to send Henry a 'tun of treasure' consisting of mocking tennis balls.
The emissary says, "Scorn and defiance; slight regard, contempt, and anything that might not misbecome the mighty sender, doth he prize you at."
This Ned would hurl at the Republicans and their know-nothing supporters, in the sure and certain knowledge that they would gnash their teeth in impotent rage, assuming of course that they would understand it at all.

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