Ned Pepper's Outrages

Friday, January 7, 2011

Halfbright Fellowships

Ned's many friends have repeatedly wondered why there have been no new Halfbright Fellows announced since the frenzy of activity last year. To this, Ned replies that the Nominating Committee, chaired as it is by Prof Dr Q A Wagstaff, OBE, FRS has been literally swamped with extremely qualified nominees, and this, coupled with Wagstaff's other duties as commenter on the Strange Bedfellow team of Cameron and Clegg in the UK, has meant that we have as yet not decided on any new Halfbrights. But be assured that new nominations are forthcoming that will astound and gratify Ned's many friends and followers. In the meantime, Ned calls upon his friends to honor our existing Halfbrights, including former Sneering Plutocrat Carly Fiorina, Tea Party darling Christine O'Donnell, and of course, former "president" George w Bush.

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