Ned Pepper's Outrages

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Dream Act

During Roman times in Britain, the Romans made the populace a deal: join the legions and see the world!
The deal came with benefits: if a legionnaire from the provinces survived for a 20-year stint (extremely unlikely) he got a small plot of land around the Roman fort or caestra where he was billeted, and, not least, Roman citizenship. Thus grew many British settlements into large cities like Chester (caestra), Manchester, and so forth. Of course, the main reason the Romans liked this deal was that it provided cannon fodder for the emperor.
Today, we have a modern version of the Roman deal we call the Dream Act: it promises illegal immigrants whose parents brought them here illegally as tykes, the opportunity for American citizenship, if they do one of two things: get a college degree (competing with many other working class and poor kids for scarce and increasingly expensive places, with no guarantee of employment) or join the legions and see the world, that is, enlist in the American military and become essentially a mercenary fighting for the President, who has taken the place of the emperor. If this act were to pass, and it so far has been defeated by Republican opposition in the Senate (another holdover from Rome), it would provide hundreds of thousands of potential cannon fodder to fight America's many wars of aggression against all those funny dressing colored people who we define as potential enemies of "freedom."
Ned figures, for once, like the proverbial stopped clock that is right twice a day, the Republicans are right, but when they fully grasp the opportunities for thousands of new, poor and desperate enlistees, Ned predicts many of them will change their mind.
To the enlistees, Ned recommends the Latin phrase: "Ave Imperator, morituri te salutant."

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