Ned Pepper's Outrages

Monday, September 13, 2010

Public Space

Ned finds much to amuse and astonish him in his near-daily visits to his gym. One is the extent to which individuals will try to convert public space to private use. Ned has observed on at least two occasions individuals spitting on the floor of the communal shower, and a more disgusting sight can hardly be imagined. Ned is however amused by the number of persons who exhibit behaviour that shows their deadly fear of having any unwanted contact with another human being, either directly or indirectly. Many wear flip-flops into the shower (perhaps reading the above Ned has more sympathy for this practice). There are also those who bring their own mat into the steam room, apparently loath to plant their bottom on a surface where some alien bottom at one time occupied. Other bring towels to sit on wherever they are.
The point in Ned's gentle remonstrance is this: the more we try to avoid contact with ANY "germs" the more likely we are to become susceptible to infection from the really nasty critters that can resist "antibacterial" soap and the like. So, Ned encourages everyone to try and get along with the germs of others. It'll pay big dividends in the long run!

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