Ned Pepper's Outrages

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Obama's "otherness"

Seems that the Republican "establishment" is trying to bring its supporters slithering out from under their rocks by a "new" tactic, trying to paint Obama as a scary black man. Oh, of course, they say they are focusing on his "extreme" social policies, although they are no more "extreme" than FDR, Harry Truman, Jack Kennedy or Bill Clinton. No, friends, what is different this time is Obama's skin color. Here's the headline of today's NYT story "G.O.P. Is Using Obama’s ‘Otherness’ as Campaign Tactic."
Chief self-appointed Republican "intellectual", ousted House Speaker and National Blowhard Newt Gingrich decries Obama as having "Kenyan" beliefs which are "unfathomable" to "ordinary" Americans, presumably meaning those who have less than an eighth grade education. Ned is not taken in by these wolves in sheepskin; having grown up in the south, he can recognize racist code when he sees it, and finds it despicable, except that it is a standard Republican ploy, which, regrettably, in today's Amerika, is par for the course. As Shakespeare had it said in Twelfth Night, "If this were played upon a stage now, I could condemn it as an improbable fiction."

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