Ned Pepper's Outrages

Monday, July 26, 2010


The breathless MSM is reporting that Newt Gingrich, professional blowhard and failed House Republican leader, is preparing a speech in which he attacks the Obama administration for being soft on radical Islam. Now, Ned imagines a screenwriter approaching a Hollywood producer with the idea for "this movie, see C.B., where a leader of a party in power and responsible when terrorists attack the U.S. and kill 3,000 people, see, then prepares a speech attacking the party that took over from them and has NOT experienced a terrorist attack. Whuddaya think C.B.?"
It's simply too ludicrous to even attempt to parody, and once again shows the abject contempt with which the Republicans view both the MSM and the intelligence of the average voter. Setting aside the possibility that they could be right, it still is practically inconceivable that anyone would take anything this stylized, formerly pompadoured self-appointed "intellectual," has to say about anything.
But Ned has learned to be surprised by nothing in contemporary America. Perhaps his readers will recall the memo from the CIA ignored by Condolllleezzzza Rice, Dick Cheney , Don Rumsfeld, and above all Halfbright Fellow George W Bush? "
Bin Laden Determined To Strike Within The U.S."

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