Ned Pepper's Outrages

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A mentally ill nation?

Ned will risk the approbation of his friends for once again daring to practice medicine without a license, and declare that the evidence that this country seems to have a curious form of mental illness is growing. Add to the gloating over the murder of Bin Laden, and who knows who else, by killers paid by the United States, we have the report of a successful doggie massage business in Portland OR run by a 'therapist.' She charges about $90 an hour for therapy sessions to humans, but only $1 a minute to give massages to dogs. And, apparently her business is booming, while beggars roam the streets, Vietnam vets live under bridges and collect cans and bottles for pennies, and most middle class persons wonder when or even if, they will be able to retire, and fifty million of us are afraid to get sick 'cause we could be bankrupted by medical bills.
But at least the Sneering Plutocracy is thriving (see previous posts). And we might all be able to get the leavings from the dog's bowl, after Spot has had his massage and dinner.

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