Ned Pepper's Outrages

Saturday, May 7, 2011

An American Holocaust?

Today's NYT contained a profoundly troubling story about a 12-year-old Iraqi girl whose parents were killed by trigger-happy American soldiers at an American "checkpoint" in Iraq. The kid is traumatized, her brother was in the car, wounded, and died afterwards. There are hundreds of thousands of Iraqis whose lives have been terminated (mostly innocent) or ruined by the actions or consequences of American invasion and occupation forces.
Once the total reaches the hundreds of thousands of innocents, when does it start to be genocide and a holocaust? Ned repeats that this was all done in his name but without his sanction. George Bush just decided to send American troops to invade a country without a declaration of war, and there was not a God-damned thing we could do about it, and now Barack Obama is sending American drones to kill civilians, children and "suspected insurgents" and "suspected terrorists" in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
When will this nightmare end? Ned only wished the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity would get the justice he would give them.

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