Ned Pepper's Outrages

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ned's Election Winners and Losers

Ned has already, in an earlier submission, provided his election analysis: now he will provide his Winners and Losers.
First his winners, and they are few:
***The State of Oregon which avoided being submerged in the 'Tea Party' (read, Plutocrat funded know-nothings) sewage. Even though Oregonians have among the worst unemployment in the nation they rose above stupidity and returned mostly sane persons, whether Democrat, like Ron Wyden or Pete DeFazio, or Republicans like Frank Morse (even though Ned supported Morse's opponent).
***California, which denied Halfbright Fellow Carly Fiorina the senate seat, and Plutocrat Meg Whitman the governorship, after she wasted $150 million of her "own" (read, the workers) money in an attempt to buy it.
***Colorado, which overcame millions in attack ads from Karl Rove and his band of slime merchants to elect Bennett over the Republican kook that the 'Tea Partiers' had selected.
***Hawaii, which avoided the Tea Party/Republican slime assault just like Oregon.

Now, his losers:
***Pennsylvania, which apparently elected 'Club For Growth' derivatives trader, ideologue, and perennial also-ran Pat Toomey over Admiral Joe Sestak, a truly fine American.
***Florida, which has a governor who presided over a 'health care' company which, Ned is given to understand, was fined the most for 'irregularities' ever by Medicare, and which elected a right-wing one-issue ideologue to the senate seat, Mario Rubio.
***Alaska, the national laughingstock, with Sarah Palin, Joe Miller and now a disputed election involving Lisa Murkowski, who was given her senate seat by her daddy Frank, but who was defeated in the Republican primary by the 'Tea Party' guy. Ned tempers his scorn by realizing that the rest of the country provides Alaska with enough money in royalties for North Slope oil that they don't pay any taxes.
***Nevada, with perhaps the two worst candidates in recent memory in the persons of Harry Reid and Sharron Angle. To its credit, however, it held its collective nose and re-elected Reid, whom Ned hopes will be shown the door out of the Majority Leader's office by his senate Democratic colleagues.
**Kentucky, with its new senator Rand Paul joining that other Luminary Mitch McConnell. These two worthies may be challengers to Oklahoma, which as of now has the honor of having the worst two senators in the senate today.
Right-wing neo-segregationist candidates who won in benighted places like Louisiana and South Carolina are beneath Ned's contempt.
***But the biggest loser? Jesus. Everybody abused that guy.
(Smiley face here.)

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