Ned Pepper's Outrages

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Three brief items

Ned has time, regrettably, for only three brief items, but he will have more to say on at least one of them later:
1. Ned encourages all his followers to read his other blog for the latest in health tips, news and recipes.
2. The media report today that Google pays taxes at a rate of 2.4%, so the next time some craven pants-wetting Republican apologist for sneering plutocrats whines nasally about the unfairness of corporate taxes, tell them that.
3. Ned wonders why there is a class of persons who feel they must let the water run in the sink while they shave. The amount of water and energy wasted is enormous, and the avoidable greenhouse gases colossal, all for nothing, and many of them are the same whiners about taxes and how high their utility bills are.
(Smiley face here.)

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