Ned Pepper's Outrages

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Senator (for now) Bob Bennett of Utah has opined that Republicans are bereft of ideas but rely on plenty of slogans.
Now, Sen. Bennett is extremely conservative, but apparently not conservative enough for the Republicans of Utah, and they dumped him in the recently concluded Repub primary. However, we digress.
Sen. Bennett is viewed by many of the media talking heads as the voice of reason among extreme conservatives, and Ned is willing to concede that high accolade, but wonders, as per Barney Frank, "On what planet, Senator, do you spend most of your time?"
For if there is one thing that most Republicans have, it bloody well IS ideas. And what are those ideas? Led Ned enumerate some.

They are rabidly anti-science, denying the fact of human-induced climate change, and the fact of organic evolution. (Note that evolution does not preclude the existence of a higher power).
They are rabidly pro-gun, supporting an unrestricted "right" to keep as many guns and as much ammo as one can. Apparently they never met a school massacre they didn't like.
They are rabidly anti-abortion, but when it comes to taking care of that life after birth, they couldn't care less.
They are rabidly pro-military, and support assassination campaigns and torture. Their motto could easily be "a dead raghead is a good raghead."
They are opposed to any kind of tax increase, except indirectly on the poorest and most vulnerable, and support slashing taxes for the rich and super rich, a policy that disgusts even many of the super-rich.
They oppose inheritance taxes.
They oppose environmental legislation and support in general the elimination of the EPA.
They slavishly adore big business. In this, however, they are only slightly ahead of most Democrats, Ned regrets to say.
They are anti-social security. They've always hated it ever since Roosevelt rammed it through.
They oppose health care for all Americans.
They have managed to be all over the map on immigration: some support it, some support "amnesty", some oppose it, but all but the most marginalized support unceasing floods of immigrants.
They are generally pro-Israel and anti-Palestinian.
They support military intervention in any state peopled with persons of color, as long as their own children do not have to do any fighting.
In almost all things they exhibit a degree of sanctimonious hypocrisy that would literally gag the proverbial maggot.
(Now, Democrats often exhibit a degree of sanctimonious hypocrisy, let it be said, especially about our "brave" troops, immigration and Israel. Ned didn't just fall off the back of a turnip truck.)
They oppose "big government" unless it benefits their constituents. The farm-state folks and the "rugged individualists" in the West are the best examples.
Ned could go on, but his brain and arms are getting tired. Moreover, he is getting thirsty.
His readers are free to add as many items to this list as they feel inclined to do so.

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