Ned Pepper's Outrages

Friday, December 3, 2010

Helen Thomas on the Warpath

Flailing whirligig-like ultimate geezette Helen Thomas, she of the White House Press ex-front row, has again drawn Ned's wonderstruck attention. Speaking at some sort of Arab-American forum, she reportedly said, "Congress, the White House and Hollywood, Wall Street are owned by the Zionists."
Now, Ned has the greatest admiration and respect for the Jewish people and supports their right to self-determination. He also believes that a Jewish state is inevitable and desirable given the degree of anti-semitism and racism galloping around the world, and that is not likely to change. At the same time, he also feels that the israelis are causing untold misery and hardship among Palestinians, most of whom are illegally occupied by Israel, and this is contributing to terrorism. He believes that the Israeli army and the illegal settlements should be withdrawn from occupied Palestine and the sovereignty, territorial integrity and freedom from terrorist attacks should be guaranteed to Israel by the US and the UN. Perhaps, therefore, Ned himself could be reasonably described by some as a zionist, too.
This having been said, Ned generally agrees with Thomas that Zionists (persons who support the concept of Eretz Israel, etc) do in fact control (or at least exercise a controlling influence over) the agencies that Thomas described. Ned believes that if one asked members of Congress whether they supported Israel more than the palestinians, that most of them would agree. And this administration is certainly strongly pro-Israel. Ned advises his friends to research the meaning of Zionism, and, if the word is used in its proper context, then those with Zionist persuasions are actually in control in this country. But that does not mean the country is in the grip of some sinister force, like Republicans, evangelical Christianists, or Palinism. Should the palestinians and the rest of the Arab states agree to end their support for terrorist attacks against Israel, then they way could be paved for a general solution to the vexing Palestinian problem.

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