Ned Pepper's Outrages

Monday, October 4, 2010

Shower etiquete

Ned's foray to his "sports club" today was not without another opportunity to make one of his typically pithy observations on the human condition. Ned's shower room has six shower heads, spaced three on each wall, facing each other. As Ned was undressing, he heard the water running on one of them, but, since his vision does not extend to the x-ray spectrum, he cold not tell which one. Imagine his surprise, and delight, to find a narcissist in possession of a middle shower. Now, Ned's more astute followers will immediately ask, perhaps, why anyone entering an empty shower room with three showers on each wall would take the middle one, thus making it awkward for the next individual to use one of the adjacent showers. Ned would always choose one of the end showers in such a circumstance, so as to allow the next user to comfortably use the end shower on the same side, but would never choose a middle shower unless one of two circumstances was in evidence: first, if the middle showers were better than the end ones, and second, if a middle shower were the only choice. Neither of these circumstances applied here.
Ned would conclude, perhaps too harshly he admits, that he witnessed yet another example of narcissistic, selfish behavior on the part of a Being gliding through life, blissfully unaware that other humans are in residence on the planet as well.
One day, Ned will have something to say about shower spitters, the lowest of the low, but for now he will quietly, and as unobtrusively as possible, slink away...

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