Ned Pepper's Outrages

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Ned has been doing undercover work in Taos, New Mexico for a bit, and now has returned to post his report, which he assures will astound and amuse his faithful readers. One of his observations was that Americans are overwhelmingly fat and getting fatter; however, Ned's associates assured him that the fat persons he observed (with a sense of wonder, let it be said) were overwhelmingly Texans on vacation. He observed, however, that these fat persons were overwhelmingly health conscious. This conclusion was based not on their diet, which was ghastly and extremely unhealthy, consisting of fatty meats, fries and dessert. Nor their level of exercise, which was virtually nonexistent. No, this conclusion is based on his observation that virtually all of these obscenely fat people carried water bottles and were constantly sipping water, so as to avoid dehydration!
Is this a great country, or what?

1 comment:

  1. I worked for some time in the food and beverage industry. I had a customer whose regular mix was Jack Daniels (sour mash whisky) and . . . TAB!
